Mouse support for Valence?

Does Valence support mouse input?

From my testing, you can use the ipad pro keyboard’s mouse and a cursor shows up. Please let me know if you tried to connect a bluetooth mouse or what your setup is.

I tried it on a bluetooth mouse and it works except for the scroll wheel. It would be nice if you could zoom in/out and press/hold the scroll wheel to pan the object around the screen which currently doesn’t work. I’m way to used of Blender. LOL…

thanks for the feedback, I’ll see what I can do :slight_smile:

I know this is pretty old thread but I use Valence with my magic keyboard/trackpad on iPad pro all the time.

The most annoying thing is when the numerical box for entering exact numbers pops up for a transform like Move, you can’t see the mouse cursor over the numbers, you just have to feel the outline and be aware of where you moved the cursor.

Another thing that doesn’t work as well is when clicking to enter an exact value for dimensions on adding a primitive, the hit box for clicking the number to edit it is way further above the number than seems natural, if you click the number itself does nothing you have to click above it.

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I’ll try to add a highlight to the numbers as well. Hopefully I can address all your feedback in version 1.2.7, thank you for letting me know! Hang tight.

I was able to address your issues. The fixes will be out in version 1.2.7