Cancel Scene Selection and go back to current open scene

Is it possible to add a cancel or back button from within the scene/project selector. I’ve hit it a few times by accident and you can’t go back to your current project.

I have auto save turned off and if you hit it you will lose your work as there is no way to go back. All you can do is reselect your scene and lose any work since the last save.

Less I’m missing something…

Not exactly sure what you mean here. Are you trying to import a valence scene into an open valence file?

No, say I have a scene open and on occasion I’ve clicked the scene selector by accident. I’m forced to select a scene to open which I don’t want to. I just want to go back to the current scene. Unless I’m missing a way to go back to the current open scene.

Ah I get it. So the Scene selector is what I call the Gallery view. Once you go to the Gallery, the file (scene) is closed. You have to select it again to reopen it.

Yes, if you haven’t saved your current scene you will lose everything since the last save… I have autosave turned off. I’m in the path trace based rendering mode allot and I don’t want to autosave when using it.###