What is the roadmap for V2?

I’m going to pass on V2 as well
It’s maybe 5 years away anyway.

In my book I will not pay a subscription.
I don’t expect you to work for free or offer unlimited free upgrades either… this is not a contradiction.

In my opinion you need:

Free demo version (cripple export…. Maybe limit save to a couple of files) IAP to unlock more saves and export…. For sake of argument $30 to $60

On upgrades…. Offer significant features as IAP small features <$10. Bigger up to $30 but that top end better be worth it….

OrL. Offer an annual new version.
Existing owners upgrade at 50% of original purchase point.

Keep the perpetual licence forever thing.

With the above in place I would be able to use the version I bought forever. But if you keep adding features and have a good update cycle that offers value I’d happily be paying you $60 dollars + a year.

People hate subscribing because often they only get minor updates and it holds their files to ransom.

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Also just signed up for the forum to let you know that $5/mo is exactly what I was thinking when I first added a lidar to a project. I’d even love to lend a hand in development if you need it.

I love that you are trying to figure things out in usability as you go and doing things differently for the platform than trying to shoehorn a desktop experience into an iPad app.

I just paid for a copy and I would add a subscription right now if it meant you could increase your workload to two days a week anytime soon.

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Thank you for letting me know @KalMadda! I appreciate your support on this. I want to make Valence better and more robust and buying a subscription would be the best way to support development and the future of the app.

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Thanks for the feedback @poly2poly! I understand that a subscription will kill momentum, but its also required to keep support snd development ongoing for the next chapter of Valence.

My advisors and mentors have all suggested that I need to go this route and its the one I’ll be going for the next major version of Valence. Valence will still be a $30 one time purchase, but if you want access to new features, primitives and functionality it will require a $5/month subscription.

The best part of all this is you can still use it for $30. Its very accessible and the core will keep getting better over time as I fix bugs. If you are using valence often and want to support future development, I hope you do subscribe so the app can get better over time.

My focus is on 3D modeling. I’m working to make the modeling kernel more robust and fast. I appreciate your feedback.

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Hi @chrisj! Thank you for signing up and posting. I know its been a minute since you posted, but I read all the posts weekly and I’ve been waiting to reply to this thread to give others a chance to chime in.

I really appreciate the praise. I’ve poured my heart and soul into Valence and I’m constantly working on it (nights, weekends, and 1 day during week).

I also appreciate the constructive feedback. Better UV support is definitely very high on my list of features. Right now I’m working on the knife tool, which is probably one of the most challenging features I’ve worked on thus far. So many “edge” cases.

Thanks again for posting, it really gave me a lot of confidence to keep pushing forward regardless of the competition and complexity.

I appreciate all the work you’ve done with Valence so far @r.macfarland. Its really helped me see the potential of what Valence can do. I spend all my spare time working on Valence and usually don’t get to use it for long until there is another issue I need to address. So thank you for pushing it and pointing out bugs, etc and purchasing it.

I’ve learned a lot over the past ~year about what people want out of a polygon modeling tool and to take it to the next level, having a subscription is the only way it can drastically improve quickly.

Nomad is an incredible app and it has reached a scale (paid customers) where is $10-15 dollar purchase can support the developer (living in Europe).

Unfortunately Valence hasn’t had the success that Nomad has had. The subscription will be for people who are interesting in getting more features and steering the future of Valance. I have come to terms about it… its not for everyone and thats okay.

@KalMadda So the way this will work is that Valence will still be a $30 purchase. And there will be an in-app subscription for premium features. So its still useable for $30, but the premium tier will include more functionality. :pray:

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Thanks for signing up and post @3dMech! So the plan is to still keep the $30 purchase and all its features unlocked for life. The subscription will be either $5/month or $60/year.

Lets say you subscribe for a month and cancel mid-month, you keep Valence (core) for life and can use the premium functionality till the end of the month. Similarly if you subscribe for a year and cancel half way thru the year, you still keep Valence (core) for life and can use the premium functionality till the end of the year.

This way, users can subscribe when they need special functionality and unsubscribe if they are not using the premium features. A subscription will radical help Valence continue its journey of becoming one of the best 3D modeling tools for iOS.

Agreed, I’ll try to setup something for future polls on functionality & features. Right now I have a HUGE list of bug fixes and features I’m working on (most of which have been sourced from the community).

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Awesome! I think that’s a great balance! Valence in its current form is well worth a $30 single purchase, and I think with the addition of more advanced tools, a $60 a year subscription is pretty manageable for Indy artists. I am starting a small 3D printing business, so I can’t afford the $300 a year subscription that Shapr3D wants, but $60 a year is very doable! :+1:t2:. Thanks for letting us in on your thought process. :+1:t2:. I really appreciate the work you do on this app, and I’m excited to help support your further efforts with V2! :+1:t2:

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Thanks for letting me know @YellowBike! Right now its going to be $5/month. I may offer a discount for subscribing yearly ($50/year)… still figuring things out.

Procreate is installed on every iPad in ever Apple store in the world. This means they are constantly bringing in money and/or they have a deal we don’t know of.

I’ve tried to understand how they can offer a one time purchase app and have a good size studio of folks working on their products. The other potential answer is scale. If you can get 1 percent of the 670 million iPad users to buy procreate, its

67,000,000 iPads * 0.01 (1 percent of users) * $10/app = 67,000,000 million dollars to date. This number is conservative and is probably higher in reality (since they might have a deal in place and they sell other apps).

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Is this official? I also heard Blender is working on getting Blender working on tablets! Huge wins all around. Can’t wait to use polygons in Nomad!

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Thanks for the feedback @Vizmystech!

The subscription model would be supplementary. So when you buy Valence (core) you keep it for life. If you choose to subscribe to the premium tier, then you get additional features that will save you time and allow for more complex modeling and workflows.

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If you’ve bought the app, you keep it for life. The premium tier will not lock you out of what you have already purchased!

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@KalMadda I think so too. There is still so much more to come! Excited to hear about the 3D printing business. I have one and I’m trying to make better tools for Valence to support modeling for 3D printing! :slightly_smiling_face:

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One of the deciding factors in paying $30 for this great app was the fact that it was a one-time purchase to own it. Had it been subscription based, it would have certainly passed. But I’m just an aficionado with no intentions of making any money out of my modeling skills. I love the program even more now with the inclusion of the segment creation tool by selecting 2 vertices. Great feature and thanks for your much appreciated effort!

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The developer is talking about introducing more advanced features as part of a subscription, while maintaining the core app and functionality as single-purchase. He’s not planning on dropping the single-purchase core of the app. :+1:t2:

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Thanks @jonkeek. I totally get your perspective and I appreciate you sharing it. It’s helps me to determine whether to keep working on Valence and its successor.

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Oh man. I just discovered Valence 3D a couple of days ago and was about to purchase it. Now after reading this thread and learning it is going the subscription route I’m glad I didn’t. As many of the users here, I’m just an aficionado who would love to do some 3D Silo-style on my iPad. $30 sounds ok for a one time fee. Subscription is a no go for me.

I wish you the best of luck.

The subscription would be optional. It wouldn’t impact the single purchase at all. You’d still own the single purchase license and all the features included with it. The subscription would only add additional more advanced features that would require more effort to support. I’m starting to regret even asking this question, with these people who jump to conclusions the moment they hear “subscription”… :roll_eyes::man_facepalming:t3:

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